Wednesday 12 October 2016



I havent write anything since my last post which is sem 2. Sekarang dah nak habis sem 3 dah. Sekarang ni tengah pulun final and ada 2 paper je lagi which is mgt300 and qmt181. So basically my life has changed a lot. I faced a lot of hardship, failures, heart broken, friend zoned (lulz), and macam-2 lagi lah. But I couldnt deny the nikmat either. I dah start bisnes kecil-kecilan kat kolej, i join new club, i got a tittle and faced a lot of responsibilities, being a group leader, drive rent car here and there, dan macam-macam lagi.

But the thing is, i writing this post at 3 am. Why? I also dont know maynn. I feel like i need someone to talk to but apparently i dont have one that i could put my trust on. Haha sad kan. People come and go. They will listen to your problems and go tell it to others. Thats how our society is. Sad but true. I have a lot of friends but i have nobody to trust.

It seems like i am not me all this while. I'm being fake or what idek. I need to endure headache and migraine this sem. It hurts me so bad. But I feel really bad when my friends dont even believe me that I was sick. Sigh..........I dont know how to show my pain to others. Ive been living all this while trying to hide everything from others...

Sadly, I'm being misjudged by others.

But hey, why am i so emotional? HAHAHA. I guess it is because it a confession / honesty hour now hehe. Nevermind, I'm trying to sleep. Tomorrow i have to wake up early and studying. Pray for me strangers!


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