Friday 27 November 2015



I dont know what to feel since only 2 days left before I enter semester two back in college. I guess I am already old enough haha. Dulu sekolah, sekarang uni. Dulu 8 tahun, sekarang 18 tahun. Dulu belajar guna pensel, sekarang guna pen. Kalau dikenang balik masa umur 17 dulu, aku selalu cakap yang aku rasa aku takkan masuk u. Aku takkan sambung belajar dah. Back then, zaman tak matang. Zaman tak fikir masa depan. (macam lah sekarang dah fikir xD) Haih how time flies~

My result in semester one wasnt that great but I thanked God for everything. I only got 3.16 :) As I complained why my trial balance doesnt balance, I managed to pass my ACC106 subjet hahah. As I complained why mandarin is so damn hard to understand, I managed to get A-. Not too many A+ too be proud of. But I'm thankful I dont get C- which is mean I need to repeat the subject. Huh alhamdulillah for everything~

My current life is also so-so. Not that great, but not that bad. I still have family if anything ever happen to me. I still have a brother that need to be taken care of (-_-). Eventhough I'm not too close with my other relatives, I still know few of them. Oh and I hope my mak tok and opah are also doing great at this kind of age. Huhu

Friends? Hmm. I dont really have friends. But I know whom I can count of if I had problems. I already lost contact with some of them :( I miss everyone back in Melati Garden High School, Seri Gombak High School & Seri Samudera High School. I may not be friend with everyone as I am too shy and introvert hehe. I also made some new friends here in campus. They are so nice and intelligent.

As I'm writing this, I also want you to pray for my success in semester two. Pray for my health as my cough is getting worse (T_T). Pray as well to our muslims brothers and sisters everywhere in the world. May Allah SWT grant us jannah in hereafter.

Brgds, Alia.

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