Saturday 25 October 2014


Actually, I have no interesting story to write since i need to practise my essay skills. Lulz. If you were asking me to write in malay, then yes, i have a lot of stories to share. Haha :p 
But since i got C+ for my english in my trial spm exam, then i need to start write back in english. Haih. Padahal exam lagi 7 hari ._. baru nak ada kesedaran sekarang ennnn. 

Btw, my birthday is on 4th november which is the day that i need to answer for my english exam. Wuishhhh. I hope everything will be fine and not ruining (tak merosakkan, lulz) my special day. Pray for me ya! 

Okay, aku takde idea betul kalau nak tulis dalam english ni hahaha.

Lately, masalah datang bertimpa-timpa. Lagi2 nak spm ni. Tetiba muncul orang yang mengaku suka aku, orang yang ajak pergi karok, yang ajak lepak, yang nak gaduh, yang tak puas hati, yang ajak study pun ada tapi tak ramai lah haha. So i guess that's the reason why i macam dah mula hilang fokus ni haihhh. 

Dengan 7 hari yang berbaki ni, aku harap aku dapat usaha lebih sikit. Kalau trial dpt tinggi, aku takut yg spm nnt, dpt rendah. Haih. Mintak simpang la ya Allah. 

Good luck batch 97! May Allah ease up everything towards success. Forgive all my wrongdoings and pray for me okey! 
Assalamualaikum xo

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